Short manual on the Disktective main window: To select a directory for inspection, double-click on a directory in the directories-box. To select a complete disk for inspection, first use the drive-box to select the disk, after that double-click on the root-directory in the directories box. You tell which directory is selected by looking at the 'selected directory' bar. Then to start the process press the 'Start' button. The 'Abort' button can abort the processing. After the program has finished processing, the results-group in the main window displays the total number of files and used bytes found in the selected directory. This is including all subdirectories, subsubdirectories, etc. Also at the same time a report will be generated if the 'add to report' checkbox is enabled. For reports see the next paragraph. Short manual on reports. A report contains complete directory and size-distribution information. In other words: you can see what space a directory really occupies and what real size its sub-, subsub- etc. directories have. In this program reports are represented as trees. To create a report-tree enable the 'Add to report' checkbox in the main-window. If you want to include Date/Time information (about when the report is generated), enable the 'Include Date and Time' checkbox. Pressing the start button then causes the report to be generated. The Report window. This window is accessed by pressing the 'Report' button. Not all of its menu-options are available in the current version. Report-trees can be opened and saved. When a report-tree is loaded from disk or is already present in the report-window, generating a new report will cause it to be appended to the existing contents. Creating a report is done by pressing the 'Start'-button in the main window while the 'add to report' checkbox activated. Closing the report window will NOT destroy its contents. Closing the program itself however does. Saving or opening report files can take some time. About Disktective. Disktective is a freeware program, can be used without any limitations and can be distributed freely. However no-one other than the programmer of this product can claim commercial/legal ownership and charge more for it than the sole distribution costs. If you want to sell this product for more than its distribution costs you must contact the programmer. Disktective is created by H.J. Hagedoorn, Amsterdam. web-pages: e-mail:,